Craps Pass Line Bet
- The best bets at the craps table are the pass line bet and the don’t pass bet. The come and don’t come bets are also great wagers. I always advise casino gamblers to try to limit their gambling to games where the house edge is lower than 2% — preferably 1.5% or lower. The house edge for the pass and come bets is the same, 1.41%, which means they qualify.
- The Quintessential, Classic Craps Hedge A classic craps hedge consists of utilizing one bet to offset another bet. For example, you place a $5 Pass Line bet and then ask the dealers to give you a one-dollar 'Any Craps' - 2, 3, 12 - in order to offset the possible loss of that Pass Line bet when any of the craps numbers appear.
Pass line bet, after a point is established you must roll the point again before a 7. All bets on the pass line lose if a 7 is rolled before the established point. The dice are then passed to the next player. Don’t Pass: Bets on the don’t pass, are betting the opposite of the pass line. Rolling a 2 or 3 wins on the come out roll, 12 is a push. However, when any of the craps numbers appear- and they’ll appear four times for every 36 rolls on average - you will lose $20 on the Pass Line but win $28 on the Any Craps (which pays off at 7 to 1). So the hedger is ahead of the Pass Line game at this point to the tune of $40. However, when a point number - 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 - is rolled, the Pass Line bet does not win or lose.
I play at a casino that allows 100X odds. Is it better to try to maximize the pass line odds or make new come bets on every roll and back them up with odds?
math says betting max odds before adding a come bet is better.
for me, I like action. I plan my bankroll for 6 come bets with whatever odds my bankroll dictates.
I start with 3 point Betty. then add come bets till it's continuous come if I'm hitting.

basically, whichever you're having the most fun with.
Craps Pass Line Bets
btw- where/which casino is this?

math says betting max odds before adding a come bet is better.
for me, I like action. I plan my bankroll for 6 come bets with whatever odds my bankroll dictates.
I start with 3 point Betty. then add come bets till it's continuous come if I'm hitting.
then increase odds if not maxxed. if maxxed, then increase flat bet + odds.
basically, whichever you're having the most fun with.
btw- where/which casino is this?
This is at Rivers Casino outside Chicago by Ohare airport. The minimum bets are a bit high $15-$25. So maximizing the odds is not really an option for my bankroll. So it sounds like backing up the Pass line with as much odds as you can afford is the best strategy, but placing come bets might be more fun.
This is at Rivers Casino outside Chicago by Ohare airport. The minimum bets are a bit high $15-$25. So maximizing the odds is not really an option for my bankroll. So it sounds like backing up the Pass line with as much odds as you can afford is the best strategy, but placing come bets might be more fun.
'Technically' since the Don't Pass has a smaller house edge (1.36% vs Pass 1.41%) it's 'best' to do the Don't Pass with as much odds as you're comfortable with... =). You don't always have to bet on 'red' on roulette, and you don't always have to play the Pass Line in craps. But in reality whichever side you want to play it's practically the same. I personally like to play a line bet + 2 more (either Come or DC) with odds, but craps is a game you can play 100 different negative ways =P.Craps Don't Pass Line Odds
If everyone would just play the numbers and walk away after they hit 2 boxes.... the casinos would not be as profitable.. but 99% of gamblers at the casinos have unrealistic expectations and can't / don't leave once they have a small profit. Everyone wants that 5000% return.... not happening consistently, frequently, nor realistically . Hit n run is the way to walk away a winner.
In contrast, Odds bets have a higher variance. Increasing the Odds portion of your total game will increase the total variance as well. At very high Odds multiples, the variance will be very high as well, despite the negligible house advantage of the combined bets.
There are very good theoretical reasons for playing simply Single Odds. You take a significant bite out of the overall casino advantage, dropping it from 1.41 percent to 0.86 percent. Your variance increases but not as drastically as at higher Odds multiples. Most importantly, at Single Odds your expected revenue profile for each of the possible numbers will closely reflect the probability distribution of those numbers. In short, the expected relative revenue contribution from the Naturals will be neither understated nor overstated.
At Single Odds, your expected exposure per Flat bet increases from one unit to 1.67 units, so keep your unit size small relative to your table stake. As a rule of thumb, you will be safe from variance risk if your Flat bets are one percent of your table stake. At three percent, you are pushing the envelope. At five percent, you had better be lucky quickly.